From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    February 14, 2004

TIME:     3:30 am

LOCATION:   Bay County, Florida

TERRAIN:    Some swamp, several creeks, pine and hardwoods

OBSERVED:    Walked outside and heard several roosters crowing.  Thought it was odd, too early for sunrise crowing.  Then when the
roosters quieted down I heard a howl that sounded almost like a human hollering out to someone.  When it stopped the roosters began to crow again.  This happened 2 more times.  I hunt and have heard all manner of animals including: fox, coyote, deer, panther, turkeys and too many other birds to mention.  I have never heard anything like this before.
My husband was outside with me and couldn't identify the sound either.  Later he said it must have been a coyote, but I don't think
he wanted to admit he just didn't know what it was.  The area the sound was coming from is a hunting lease that is mostly covered with pines and hardwoods.
Not sure how much water is on that side of the Hwy. as it is private property.


Activities of Witness:   hanging out at the house


Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    My husband and I have smelled the "wet dog" odor out behind our house before.  The woods behind our house are
extensive and not to far from XXXX Creek.  There is a lot of cypress swamp back there.
I read about a sighting that happened in the 70's near XXXX Creek.  XXXX Creek flows into XXXX Creek.


Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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