From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED FROM: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.


DATE:    07/20/77

TIME:     10:30 pm

LOCATION:   Middlesex County, Connecticut

TERRAIN:    Field and small apple grove and pine grove

OBSERVED:    It was summer. The moon was full.  I was on my way home from a friend's house. I crossed the stonewall and started walking through the field on the way to my house. I heard a growl that vibrated my insides.  I looked to my right and there was a white hairy figure looking out the open barn window on the other side of the road. I ran home avoiding the pine grove. My heart was pounding.  Very early morning on the next day my youngest brother, my sister and I went to the barn.  I wanted to know if I was imagining it.  There was no ladder, hay, clothe or anything that could have been mistaken the figure for.  No prints were found because the ground was hard. The window of the barn was about 8 1/2 feet high.  


DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:  It's head was large, white and hairy.  The growl was almost like a rumble that went right through me.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS:   I asked my mom if I could stay at a friend's house a little longer.  I was learning how to make perogies.

OTHER NOTES:    My cousin Xxxxx thought someone was looking in the window at 4 am.  There was a huge oak tree that you could climb to look in the house where her bedroom was.  This was about 1977 in the fall.  


ADDITIONAL NOTES AND-OR FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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