From the Files of

                                                                                                 Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM: G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:  1950's

TIME:  Morning

LOCATION:  Canada, Labrador/Newfoundland

TERRAIN:  Wooded

OBSERVED:    I have never had a sighting but it is interesting to listen to  our old people tell stories of many different kinds of sightings when they were on their trapline.  I personally heard a story from a man who said he and two other guys saw a big hairy man squatted down eating . It looked like he was picking at the roots of the willows at the edge of the shoreline. It was during the winter and the three men were walking across the snow covered ice and they noticed something at the edge of the shoreline, squatted down ,it's back to them, eating something. They all stop in their tracks, speechless and one of the trappers raised his rifle to shoot the thing.That is when the creature turned and looked at the three.  The man that was telling me the story said he had a strange feeling come over him and he made the other trapper put his rifle down. The creature then turned and walked into the woods. XXXX  said they were pretty scared of what they had seen but they could not really discuss this with other people (trappers)of their sighting.

He said they didn't speak about it for years and only now that they are getting older and hearing other people talk (and seeing on television) about other sightings around this area do they rarely speak about it. Today there are two of the three still living but the other trapper died a few years back.

He said the thing was big, furry and large build. I believe him because of the tone of his voice and when the old people speak of things of what they seen on the trap lines I have to believe. The sasquatch is one thing I really believe in and the other stories I have heard is believable as well.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES):   Checking trap lines.

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:   Big, large build and furry



OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:   There have been several stories of sightings in this area.

Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Fay Easley

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