From the Files of

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:      6/16/01

TIME:       5:00

LOCATION:   El Dorado County, California

The closest highway is highway XX, closest road is XX rd., the closest landmark is the old XXX XXX  store.

TERRAIN:    National Forest

OBSERVED:    All I saw  was a really tall thing that looked like a man but it was covered with hair, and it ran from us when it saw us.  I saw it when me and my friend were down in the forest behind his house. We were about a mile away by a little creek.

Before it saw us it was sitting by a creek looking (in) the other direction.


DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:   I don't know what it was, it looked like an ape mixed with a man, It was really tall with a lot of brown hair and it could run fast.

OTHER NOTES:   It seemed to be scared of us when it saw us because it ran from us.

Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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