From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  February 4, 2012

DATE:    12/28/11  

TIME:     1:30 PM - 5:25 PM  

LOCATION:   Cleveland County, Arkansas  

TERRAIN:    Wooded  

OBSERVED:    I did not see anything, only heard it. I heard something knocking on a tree earlier that day while I was stalking deer (around 1:30). I was not sure what it was because I have never heard the noise before in the woods, but, it is a very distinct sound, and I just knew that it was something knocking on a tree. I walked the area that day, and heard a lot of limbs falling out of trees, and trees falling down in the distance. It was not very windy that day, and it happened enough that I thought it was very strange. I then walked to my deer stand around 2:30 PM to hunt until dark. At about 4:40 PM, I heard several large splashing noises coming from the creek about 100 Yards behind my deer stand. I could not see the creek from my deer stand. Then, I heard a very strange noise that sounded like a large buzzard flapping its wings after the splashes. Then about 5 minutes later, I heard the tree knocking noise again coming from the creek behind my deer stand. The tree knocking continued for about 30 minutes. It must have knocked about 60 times, and I knew exactly where it was coming from. Right before dark, around 5:25 PM, I slowly climbed down from my deer stand, while the knocking continued. I thought of walking out there to see what it was, but it was getting really dark, and I did not bring my flash light since I only went out to stalk some deer, but decided to hunt until dark. I slowly walked away from my deer stand towards my Rhino, and walked about 300 yards, and it was still knocking on the tree. It was dark, so I got in my rhino, and listened to it continue to knock. The knocking noise was still coming from the same area that was located behind my deer stand. It kind of freaked me out because I have grown up and hunted in these woods for over 30 years, and never heard anything like that before. I know what a beaver slap sounds like when it slaps it tail, and I know what a wood pecker sounds like....but, this was definitely something banging on a tree, and I could not figure out what it was. So, I cranked my rhino and drove back to my hunting camp to tell everyone what I had heard.

Additional Info:    I went back the next morning to see if I could find out what was making the sound. I walked to the creek behind my deer stand where the knocking noises were coming from. I found 2 tree saplings that the tops were broken off about 5 feet from the ground. The tops of the trees were just laying on the ground. There were no other trees that fallen into them, and broke them. I did find a pile of turkey feathers, but they looked a couple of days old. It could have been a coyote that killed the turkey there. I did not find any footprints or see any other sign. I went into the woods around 12:30 PM that afternoon to hunt, and I hunt on 680 acres of private property owned by my family. No other ATV's pulled in that day, and there were no other hunters in the woods around me that evening.
Activities of Witness:    Same as above. I went to stalk deer around 12:30 PM that afternoon. It was my birthday, so I planned on hunting all day. I did not hunt that morning, but I had 2 other hunters in our hunting camp that hunted that morning, and the same evening, but, they were hunting a couple of miles away from me.

Description of Creature:  I did not see the animal. I only heard the tree knocking.

Other Notes:    I was reminded of an incident that happened at our deer camp roughly about 10 years ago. A 15 year old kid named Xxxxxx was hunting "across the creek" as we call it. It is roughly 2 miles from the deer hunting camp. He shot a deer and drew blood, but, could not find the deer. So, he got on his 4-wheeler and drove back to the camp to get help to find his deer. His father Xxxxxxx, and my cousin, Xxxxxxx, and a few others drive across the creek to look for Xxxxxx's deer. They trailed the blood, and found where the deer was supposed to be. The deer had been eaten, or, taken. They found guts, and the only thing remaining of the deer was the deer's head. The rest of the deer was gone. He had only shot the deer about 45 minutes earlier. Could have been a bear, or cougar....but, they are very rare around here.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    We had some hog hunters come down to hunt hogs at our deer camp on January 1st, 2012. This was a couple of days after my experience. I was telling them about my experience, and that I could not explain it. One hog hunter named Xxxxx, said that he heard the same tree knocking down here 2 years ago while hog hunting at our camp. He did not tell anyone about it until I told them what I had experienced. He was afraid that people would think he was crazy. He said that he researched it, and found out the Bigfoot's supposedly knock on trees.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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