From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    December 18, 2001

TIME:     Around 5:00pm

LOCATION:   Alabama, Shelby County

TERRAIN:    Mountains

OBSERVED:    I was waiting until last light trying to get a deer. As the sun set, I heard the most chilling scream I have ever heard. I was 25 feet up in a deer stand, facing a pasture. The scream came from this area that is like a swamp or bog, on the other side of the pasture.  At first I was curious (I never thought Bigfoot). It was getting hard to see so I began my descent. halfway down I heard another scream that came from a tree line in the middle of the pasture it was alot closer, and this yell sounded like something from hell. I could here big limbs breaking and what sounded like stomping. I took my safety off and began backing out of the woods. What ever this was, didn't want me there and was very angry. When I got to a foot log that crossed the creek it yelled again, and was tearing the woods apart. I didn't have a light and it was very hard to see. I could see movement but could not make anything out. I yelled out ,that I was about to fire on them or it. when I backed out into a pasture not far from my house I kneeled down and ready to fire. I was shacking so bad.  It was walking back and fourth in the tree line stomping and growling. I don't scare easily, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack I was so scared. I never did see it, only movement in the shadows.

Activities of Witness:   Sitting in a deer stand facing the west. I had been in the stand around 3 to 4 hours.

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    I can't describe the scream or yell. It was high pitched and the very low. And I could smell musky wet hair.

I later found that many people around here have stories similar to mine. Two people told me about foot prints. So after hearing their stories I know something is there. They had the same fear in their eyes that I did when telling me about their encounter

Also, last year I took some students camping. We were going to camp in a place about 1/2 a mile from were I had my stand. We drove up around 9pm in my 4x4, As we started to un pack something started growling in the woods. At first I thought a wild dog, but the growl was very deep and up high. It sounding like the one that day. So we left the area FAST.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no other additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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