From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnNovember 22, 2015

DATE:    11/15/2013

9:00pm-5:00am next morning  

LOCATION:   Randolph County, Alabama  

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

  I went outside around 11pm to put some trash out. while walking back inside i heard a wood knock. the next night several members of my family decided to go behind by house and set around a campfire. it got to be around 9pm and everyone went home but me and my two cousins. we had been hearing things in the woods all night and we thought it was small animals. me and my two other cousins have been in the woods night or day all our lives. hunting, camping, just about anything. we have a great knowledge of the woods and the animals in them. at around 9pm we were having pebbles thrown at us. we first thought it was acorns falling from the trees. then around 10pm something larger than a acorn hit in the top of a tree by our fire. later we heard a wood knock. then something was thrown thru the trees or tree tops. now let me say it sounded like a 4 ft. 2x4 hitting limbs and trees very, very hard. no man and i do mean NO man could have thrown anything this hard. we had been hearing howls and a few whistles since the other group of family members left. they were coming from all around us. not in one place and it was about 50 yards from the fire to just being able to hear the calls. then one of my cousins decided to make a call. let me tell you that's when it hit the fan. before his call had ended we heard an ape like call about 300 yards in front of us. his call had not ended then the ape like call sounded,that ended and a hoot owl called out then the coyotes started. now this was one right after the other. i have never and i mean never heard anything like that in the woods. we never thought something would answer. we sat around the fire until 6am the next morning. through the night he called but the apelike thing didn't answer him back. although we heard several howls and whistles through out the night. like i said all 3 of us have been in the woods day and night and we have NEVER heard anything like this. we went back a few nights later and sat around the fire again. we heard things in the woods but not like the first night. i will never,never forget the things that happened then or the sounds we heard. 

Additional Things:

Activities of Witness:
just sitting around the fire and talking

Description of Creature:  didn't see anything just heard them

Other Notes:    one of my cousins actually saw a bigfoot across the dirt road from his house at an old barn that his family hung deer they had killed in.  

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
went outside several nights later to get some firewood and i heard some howls. you could hear them to tell what they were but they were further away than the night we were sitting by the fire the first night.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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