From the Files of

                                                                         Reported  by Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:      10/07/00

TIME:     Afternoon

LOCATION:    Pleasant Grove, Alabama, Jefferson County

TERRAIN:     Hollows.  It was really, really thick

OBSERVED:   I went behind the slate dumps to look around see what I can see.  I brought one of my dogs with me.   I was about 3/4 of a mile back when I heard the signature bigfoot wood knocking about 200 yards away.  So thinking I didn't have no way of doing anything about it so i thought I would get out of there.  After I had got about 50 yards I could hear something behind me and when I would stop it would take another step and stop.  I never could see it but I knew it could see me.  When I got to thinner woods it stopped following me.  So i just went back to the house.

Activities of Witness:  just walking

Description of Creature:  None

Other Notes:  Several other bigfoot sightings have been reported in this same area.

Other Other Notes:   My dog through the whole thing didnt seem to notice anything but she sometimes did look back.

Other Sightings in this Area:   There are other sightings in Jefferson County Alabama on the GCBRO database.

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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