From the files of Mary Green

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:   1982

TIME:          Night, about 11:45

LOCATION:    In the area of New Brockton, AL. in Coffee County

TERRAIN:      Wooded

OBSERVED:        Said person involved had taken his date home after a time out and about. She lived out in the "sticks" along a wooded area. He had parked his car along the dirt road in front of her home which was  several yards away. ______, walked her to the front door. After she went in he was ready to get home. He had parked his car along the road not too far from the woods next to her home. As he was walking through the front yard near the woods he hears something following him just beyond the treeline. He said that it walked as if it was something heavy and sounded as if it was walking on two legs, not four. He thought it might be another person. Yet, he stopped a couple of times to look to see if he could see what it was but the woods were too dark to see anything. Each time he stopped, it would stop. He was unnerved so he quicked his pace to his car. As he got closer to his auto he said that he could hear low rumbling growling on more then one occasion. He picked up his pace even more tho he could still hear what was following him.  He made it to his car, cranked it and left quickly.

  ______, went back again since he and his lady friend went out again. He stated that the other times he was out there he did not have that experience again, but he did not move as slowly the next few times when he returned to his car on those nights.
  I've know this person for several years and can vouch for him. He would not make up such a story. Oddly, a few months later after that experience it dawned upon him what it probably was that followed him that night. To this day he feels it was a bigfoot though he never actually saw anything.

Activities of Witness:    Had been out on a date

Description of Creature:

Other Notes:      No other known reports from this area are known by this person.

Other Other Notes:

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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